After a few years of practicing as a lawyer and law professor, Lorena received her MSW from Stony Brook University and later earned her LCSW after completing a supervised practice at a community mental health clinic in East Hampton, NY. Lorena is also a corresponding member of the French psychoanalytic association “Association Lacanienne Internationale” (ALI) in Paris.
Lorena’s clinical experience encompasses working with children and adolescents, couples, and adults. She has a special interest in working with women and the particular issues they face as daughters, mothers, wives, and professionals. She has confronted cases of sexual abuse, incestuous relations, and molestation in various degrees and she feels comfortable working with patients who have experienced trauma from such experiences. She has also addressed issues related to exile, adaptation, and nostalgia.
Lorena’s approach to cases is based on her strong formation in psychoanalysis. She works to understand the uniqueness of each individual, employing the powers of free association and transference. She is an excellent listener and develops strong therapeutic relationships with her patients.
Lorena is fluent in French and Spanish and can work with patients in these languages as well as English.